Climate actions
Riparian forests help to buffer stream temperatures as well as increase landscape connectivity for the migration of species. An example of an adaptation tactic under this approach is to promote conifer species in order to maintain cooler stream temperatures and shading. Another example focused at a landscape level could include the reforestation of riparian areas in agricultural areas to reduce erosion into adjacent water bodies. Many of these functions and benefits may be degraded if riparian forests undergo decline or exacerbated stress from climatic shifts and extreme events. The use of protective guidelines, such as best management practices and riparian management zones, can be used to avoid damage or additional stress to riparian areas during management activities. It cannot be attained everywhere. For example, permanent or irreversible changes in hydrologic disturbance regimes, natural processes, channel and floodplain morphology, and other impacts may preclude the ability to precisely or completely re-create the composition, structure, and functions that previously existed.
Maintain or restore riparian areas
Re-establish functional linkages between organisms and their environment.
Expected results
Enhanced ecosystem and ecosystem functions.
Result indicators
Area of intervention [m²]
Involved actors
Local government, environmental agencies, local stakeholders.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale