Climate actions
Species are vulnerable to stressors at different stages in the species life cycle. Maintaining multiple age classes of a species will help increase structural diversity within stands or across a landscape, as well as buffer vulnerability to stressors of any single age class. Monocultures and even-aged stands are often more susceptible to insect pests and diseases, many of which are likely to increase in range and severity as a result of climate change; maintaining a mosaic of even-aged stands of varying ages across the landscape will increase diversity in these forest types. Possible costs for maintaining age diversity of different species.
Promote forests diverse age classes
Increase forest resilience.
Expected results
Forests less susceptible to alterations due to climate change.
Result indicators
Number of trees for each age class
Involved actors
Local government, local stakeholders, fire department, environmental agencies.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale