Climate actions
Biological legacies of desired species can facilitate persistence, colonization, adaptation, and migration responses to climate change. Silvicultural treatments designed to retain biological legacies can be conducted to create diversity in structure, species composition, and unique characteristics while maintaining the appropriate density of desired species. An example of a tactic that is already in practice is to retain individual trees of a variety of species to maintain their presence on the landscape. This tactic could also be used to provide both a potential seed source for species and genotypes that are expected to be better adapted to future conditions, as well as future nurse logs for regeneration of some species. Possible management issue.
Retain biological legacies
Preserve diversity.
Expected results
Preserved biological diversity of desired species.
Result indicators
Number of desired species preserved
Involved actors
Local government, local stakeholders.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale