Climate actions
Cliff erosion in coastal areas is usually the result of structural erosion, resulting in a gradual retreat of the coastline because the amount of sediment that gets eroded (rocks, cobbles or sand) exceeds the amount of deposited sediment. To reduce cliff erosion and its consequences – landslide, collapse, falling of rocks – cliff strengthening techniques aim at increasing the strength and overall stability of the slope by minimising landside pressures. Some techniques also protect the foot of the cliff against marine erosion, a key factor in strengthening cliffs. Cliff reshaping can disturb biodiversity by destroying habitats.
Cliff strengthening
Reduce cliff erosion.
Expected results
Guarantee the stabilisation of the cliff.
Result indicators
Length of protected cliff [m]
Involved actors
Public authorities at different levels of governance, environmental organisations, interest groups, citizenship.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale