Climate actions
The construction actions in areas subject to hydraulic risk must include hydraulic compatibility measures that include the disposal of rainwater through the creation of reservoir and lamination systems; construction of adequate rainwater drainage systems for paved areas; construction of sewer and disposal lines; prohibition of covering waterways. Difficulties in understanding and implementing the legislation regulating the construction sector; limitation in land use.
Construction of buildings in flood prone areas
To guarantee the hydrogeological and hydraulic safeguard of already built areas or improve the pre-existing conditions.
Expected results
Reduced vulnerability of buildings to flood damage not only due to climate change in already critical inhabited areas but also to ordinary events.
Result indicators
Volume of stored or drained water [m³]
Disposal lines [m²]
Involved actors
Local stakeholders, local population, local government.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale