Climate Menu for Adriatic Regions

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Climate actions

Diversification of fisheries products


Change in the production activities.


Shift towards alternative species and management of practices more suitable to changed conditions. The process can also include initiative of business diversification developing new fishing-related activities (e.g. eco-tourism with fishing vessels). Fundamental is the cross-sectoral cooperation with other related businesses (e.g. market, tourism) and with public authorities. The actions include adaptation of gears (switching to more efficient gears or flexible gears able to catch different species, better adapted to changed conditions and operational in different environments) and adaptation of fishing vessels to enhance the management control on fishing activities in different locations, enhancing fishermen mobility as fish stock distribution shifts with changing ocean conditions.

Expected results

Diversification of actions which support sustainable fisheries, creating transition to new business.

Result indicators

Number of adapted vessels and equipment.
Number of commercial fish species.

Involved actors

Fishermen operators, especially clustered in cooperative associations are the main actors for diversification that can also benefit from other commercial business (processing industry, marketing organisations) and from consumer associations to achieve mutually agreed goals; public authorities.

Expected timeline for action

  • Long term (> 10 years)


Longer travels and longer time spent at sea also mean higher costs for fuel and crew wages and increased exposure to risks.

Scope of the action

  • Adaptation

Type of proposed actions

  • Grey
  • Soft

Sector of action

  • Aquaculture / Fishing
  • Biodiversity / Conservation of ecosystems

Climate impacts

  • Change or loss of biodiversity
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Other

Implementation scale

  • Municipality
  • Region / Country

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