Climate actions
Natural disturbances often initiate increased seedling development and genetic mixing and can be used to facilitate adaptation. Silvicultural prescriptions can mimic natural disturbance to promote regeneration in the absence of natural disturbance. Examples: preventing and removing undesired species, including invasive non-native or aggressive native species, in order to reduce competition for moisture, nutrients, and light; controlling beech suckers, sprouts, and brush by using herbicide or mechanical treatment in areas affected by beech bark disease in order to reduce competition with the regeneration of other species; planting or seeding sufficient stocks of desired species before undesirable species have the chance to establish or compete; performing timber stand improvement to favour and promote the growth of desirable growing stock. Drier conditions and increased stress.
Guide species composition at early stages of stand development
Help transition forests to new and better-adapted compositions.
Expected results
Desired species promoted and competition from undesirable, poorly adapted, or invasive species reduced; conversion to a different forest type.
Result indicators
Number of forests regenerated.
Involved actors
Natural manager, ecosystem expert, government, community.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale