Climate Menu for Adriatic Regions

  • Italiano
  • Hrvatski

Climate actions

Install buffer strips of water resources


Limit pollution.


Create bands of respect where many activities (i.e. construction of buildings) or actions that can cause pollution near water resources are forbidden.
The action guarantees the “Absolute protection” in areas within 200 m from wells and aqueduct intake points; there, activities that may cause pollution or may be dangerous for the underlying aquifers are prohibited, such as: dispersion of sludge and wastewater, accumulation or spreading of chemical fertilizers, dispersion in the subsoil of rainwater coming from yards or roads, cemetery areas, opening of quarries and wells, waste management, storage of chemical or dangerous substances, vehicle demolition centres, grazing livestock.

Expected results

Band of respect where some type of activity with high level of pollution is not allowed.

Result indicators

Length of absolute protection from wells and aqueduct [m]

Involved actors

Governments, private sectors, civil society organization.

Expected timeline for action

  • Medium term (5-10 years)


Refusal of non-construction limits by privates.

Scope of the action

  • Adaptation
  • Mitigation

Type of proposed actions

  • Soft

Sector of action

  • Agriculture / Forests / Land use
  • Biodiversity / Conservation of ecosystems
  • Public health
  • Waste management
  • Water resource management

Climate impacts

  • Change or loss of biodiversity
  • Salinization and acidification of water
  • Other

Implementation scale

  • Municipality
  • Region / Country

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