Climate Menu for Adriatic Regions

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  • Hrvatski

Climate actions

Manage herbivores to protect or promote regeneration


Preserve the integrity of the forest.


Climate change can increase herbivorous populations that benefit from warmer conditions. 

Some herbivores can become a stressor in forests and there is potential for them to increase in size and intensity if the above mentioned changes in climate lower winter mortality and allow herbivorous populations to grow. As climate change exacerbates many forest stressors, it will be increasingly important to protect the regeneration of desired species from these animals. At the landscape level, an example of tactic that is sometimes employed to influence deers’ habits is to harvest timber in mountain forests to reduce the migration of some species to adjacent coniferous forests, where regeneration is highly vulnerable. Examples of booth-level adaptation tactics include using fences and other barriers, as well as “hiding” more desirable species in a mix of less desirable species.

Expected results

Preserved forest ecosystem.

Result indicators

Number of plant species preserved

Involved actors

Environmental agencies and local government.

Expected timeline for action

  • Short term (1-4 years)


Biodiversity conservation; reliable data collection.

Scope of the action

  • Adaptation

Type of proposed actions

  • Green
  • Soft

Sector of action

  • Agriculture / Forests / Land use
  • Biodiversity / Conservation of ecosystems
  • Other

Climate impacts

  • Change or loss of biodiversity
  • Other

Implementation scale

  • Province
  • Region / Country

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