Climate actions
In this case, the evaluation of climate change impacts concerns the irrigation and volumetric water demand, in order to demonstrate the water decrease. Activities further involve: optimization of water resources management, updating of water resources strategy, hydrometric monitoring review, management of water resources licensing, communicating climate change to farmers. Working in partnership with experts can highlight the need for adaptation actions and initiate a dialogue with affected businesses. Compensate for the increasing level of CO2 in the atmosphere due to the use of fertilizers and the increase of cultivable areas.
Research into local vulnerabilities in agriculture
Reduce drought problems in agriculture.
Expected results
Optimization of water demand for crops.
Result indicators
Volume of reduced water demand [m³]
Involved actors
Government, environment agency, university, farmers.
Expected timeline for action
Best practices
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale