Climate actions
To retain rainwater in an urban environment, water-spaces can be created to drain water and collect it in non-flowing surface water bodies, such as ponds, lakes and water squares. The purposes are twofold: on the one hand, the water surfaces located in densely built urban contexts favor the lowering of air temperature, thus also helping to reduce the formation of heat islands during the hottest days of the summer season. On the other hand, standing water-spaces, if properly sized, can also reduce the impacts of flooding events, caused by intense rainfall, draining rainwater in this space. The costs vary according to size and complexity of the measure; conflicts could arise when maintenance is needed to keep the water clean to avoid smelling, or the place can become an attractive meeting place and noise can be a problem, or standing water can contradict the aim of cooling during summer nights due to the specific heat capacity.
Urban water spaces-standing
Retain rainwater and reduce the urban heat island effect.
Expected results
Reduced temperature during the heating up; increased water retention in the water body and reduced peak flows, depending on size of standing water.
Result indicators
Volume of water drained [m³]
Reduction of damage caused by flooding [€]
Involved actors
Municipality, service of water supply and technicians.
Expected timeline for action
Scope of the action
Type of proposed actions
Sector of action
Climate impacts
Implementation scale