Climate Menu for Adriatic Regions

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Climate actions

Adaptation of flood management plans


Flood management.


The Floods Directive requires Members States to develop Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) coherently with the Water Framework Directive River Basin Management Plans. In this process, countries are called to evaluate flood risk on a river catchment scale, compile maps of flood prone areas, and inform local communities about these risks. Flood risk maps have to cover the geographical areas, which could be flooded in case of events with low (extreme event scenario), medium (e.g. those with a return period ≥ 100 years) and high probability. For each of these events the assessment should provide insights about the spatial extent of the flood, the water level and the velocity of the water flow. Flood risk maps are also very useful to communicate the exposure and vulnerability of flood prone areas to stakeholders.

Expected results

Address all relevant aspects of risk management, focusing on prevention, protection, preparedness and medium- and long-term planning, considering the characteristics of the particular river basin or sub-basin.

Result indicators

Flood return time [T=1/p; years]

Involved actors

National, regional and local public authorities, private subjects, citizens.

Expected timeline for action

  • Short term (1-4 years)


Lack of coordination among different subjects, data availability, human and financial resources required to implement the flood mapping and assessment process, also considering climate change projections, are among the main constraints. The lack of proper instruments formally embedded into the legal system that support cooperation mechanisms might limit transboundary cooperation. Differences in the legal frameworks, political strategies on flood risk management, and economic, social, and physical settings may hamper proper coordination and cooperation between the different levels of governance and among stakeholders. 

Scope of the action

  • Adaptation

Type of proposed actions

  • Soft

Sector of action

  • Coastal management
  • Water resource management

Climate impacts

  • Floods

Implementation scale

  • Association of municipalities
  • Municipality
  • Region / Country

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